Report Details

Primary Care Service Areas in South Carolina

This project was a collaboration between the Office for Healthcare Workforce Analysis and Planning and the SC DHEC Office of Primary Care in an effort to identify primary care market areas and resources within South Carolina. Primary Care Service Areas (PCSAs) are designed to identify small geographic areas that are relatively self-contained markets for primary care services. The 95 PCSAs identified in our analysis were developed using de-identified 2013 billing data from the State Employee Health Plan to examine patient travel patterns for primary care services.

Each Zip Code in South Carolina is encompassed in a PCSA and a list of Zip Codes and their associated PCSA is included at the end of this short report. The interactive map allows readers to see the population characteristics, selected health status indicators, and primary care provider resources in each PCSA by clicking on an area within the map.
Publication Date:
March 2016
Product Type:
South Carolina Office for Healthcare Workforce. (March 2016). Primary Care Service Areas in South Carolina. Charleston: South Carolina Area Health Education Consortium. Retrieved from

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